Trinity United Methodist Women

Trinity United Methodist Women

Colossians 3:23-24
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.

Our Purpose

  Trinity UMW is a welcoming community of women, united in their faith in God and dedicated to serving Him through service to others. Membership is open to women of any denomination. We function primarily within our three circles, but we join together for Women in the Pulpit Sunday, a memorial service for those who passed away in the calendar year, and for our annual fundraiser the Salad Festival in March. We invite you to visit any or all of the circles.


Galatians 6:2

Bear one another’s burdens, and so

fulfill the law of Christ.

Here at Trinity, we have three Circles, two meeting each month (except in the summer) during the day, and one Circle meeting in the evening. Each Circle has local missions that they support through donations and projects. We also meet several times a year as a whole unit and host events and fundraisers throughout the year in order to support our local and state ministries, as well as meet needs around the world. We recently raised $2800.00 at our Salad Festival, with $2000.00 being sent to UMCOR to aid Ukraine.

We would love to have you join us!

The Susanna Wesley Circle

Circle Leader || Gerry Ferguson,

Phone || 843-360-5584

Email ||

Susanna Wesley Circle meets the

first Tuesday of each month in the

Fellowship Hall, 9:30 am fellowship,

10 am meeting.* Each year we adopt one of the UMW social action emphases, become educated on the issues involved, and then take action. We have worked for

Criminal Justice, Climate Justice,

Maternal and Child Health Care,

Church Access for the Handicapped,

Quality Education for All Children.

Susanna Wesley members are also

mission-oriented, supporting Sea

Haven; filling gift boxes for Support

Military Families ; making small

gifts for Mobile Meals clients; 

collecting items for foster children

through Fostering Hope, and much more.

Susanna Wesley also gives a youth

Scholarship to Salkehatchie when needed.

 Every February we honor our seniors

on the Sunday closest to Valentines Day.

“What does the Lord require of you? 

To act justly and to love mercy, and

to walk humbly with your God.”

(Micah 6:8) Susanna Wesley answers

that call through Social Action (justice), 

Missions (mercy), and devotion (humility.)

We welcome any woman to join us

or come and visit.

The Circle of Love 

Circle Leader || Carole Petro

Phone || 843-249-4682

Email ||

The Love Circle was founded in 2001 and has been an integral part of Trinity UMW. Over the years we have been active in all phases of church activities. Though we help and support outside groups, financially and with planned activities, our primary   focus is on local concerns. For many years we have supported NMB High School Teen Angels with a variety of needs, such as gas cards, clothing, etc., provided school supplies to NMB Middle School and Trinity’s Armed Forces Assistance Program-our retired veterans with something special for the holidays.

We do not meet during the summer, but we are busy with our local missions, planning and preparing for their needs. Love Circle meets the first Thursday of each month at 9:30 am in a member’s home or at the church. We enjoy light refreshments with a business meeting, followed by an informative program. All members participate in some way throughout the year. We meet for a luncheon in June and December, a perfect time for anyone interested in meeting the members and having a wonderful meal to join us. We welcome all ages and are always delighted with new members.

The Dot Jordan Circle 

Circle Leader || Debbie Waitzman

Phone || 803-530-6752

Email ||

The Dot Jordan Circle was founded

in 1986 and is named in honor of

Dot Jordan, who was the first

President of the WSCS when Trinity

UMC was known as Ocean View

Methodist Church. Since the formation

of the Dot Jordan Circle, the group

strives to meet the same time as in

those early years-the second Tuesday

of each month at 6PM.

*Times may vary

in the winter months due to the early

darkness. Please check your bulletin

or call the number above for meeting

times. The group meets in one of the

members’ home or in the Fellowship

Hall of the church.

The circle supports four projects each

year – clothing items for Master’s Meal

participants, Teen Angels, Sea Haven,

and adoption of a local family at

Christmas. We participate in all UMW

activities with our focus to support

women and children of the world.

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