To Help Men Grow In Christ, So Others May Know Christ.
The organized unit of United Methodist Men involves men
in a growing relationship to Jesus and His church and
provides resources and support for programs of evangelism,
stewardship and the needs of men.
Thank you for all who registered a team or sponsored a hole for the the 12th Annual Golf Tournament hosted by the Trinity United Methodist Men. All proceeds from the tournament go to benefit local ministries in our community. We look forward to see you there!
Thank you to all those that have donated prizes this year. Click below for a full list of all those in our community that supported us. We hope you will support them in return.
The TUMM is an organization that involves men of the church growing in a relationship with Christ by supporting church programs along with missions abroad. We are an active group of men serving God with talents He has given each of us.
Some of our activities are selling Super Bowl subs, BBQ dinners, and a golf tournament. A few of the items and activities help to support youth camps, Salkehachie, ASAP, missions' projects, and meals for the church. We conduct a church service each year and help out around the church however we can.
The UMM hold normal meetings on the third Sunday at 9:35 am in the Fellowship Hall between church services. We do not normally meet in June, July, and August. Please check the church calendar for meeting updates and activities.
All men of the church are invited.
Galatians 6:2
Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.